Children's Ministry

Here at Towerview, we want to engage our children and teach them about God's power and love. We educate through Bible stories, songs, crafts, and even games. Our teachers provide a safe environment for children to explore God's word while also having fun.  We will have children's classes whenever there are adult services, to include Sunday School, Sunday morning worship, and Wednesday evenings. Please see below for more details about our programs.

No matter what your child's needs, we are here to help. Children with special needs will be provided with an aide to assist during our services. We believe every child and parent should have the opportunity to learn about God. We look forward to serving you!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Bonnie Prescott, Children's Ministry Director

Sunday school

Every Sunday morning at 9:00, children are invited to attend our age-appropriate Sunday School classes to learn about God, the good news of salvation though Jesus, and His plans for their lives. Our children's classes all utilize LifeWay's curriculum. Nursery care is also available. Classes meet downstairs; just ask a greeter for directions!

kid connection

Kid Connection is Towerview's Children's Church during the Sunday morning worship service for children 4 years old through 3rd gradeChildren will begin in the sanctuary and will be dismissed after the music portion of the 10:15 service. Teachers will provide Bible teaching, snacks,  and crafts. Nursery care is available during the entire service.

team kid

TeamKid meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. during the school year for children 4 years old through 6th grade. Children will rotate through classes featuring Bible memory games, application of Bible truths, engaging missions videos/activities, and fun activity-based learning while helping children grow to be more like Jesus. Nursery care is also available. 

Upcoming Children's Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...